
Jekk - If - Se - 若し by Oliver Friġġieri オリバー・フリッジーリ

The other day, a Japanese friend of mine was wondering what's written on the new bus stop stages that are being installed around the islands of Malta. She couldn't find a translation on the internet so this is my gift to her.

My generation know about this poem since their school days but as far as I am concerned I have only now come to deeply appreciate and love it.

Translating poems is the epitome of the art of translation and I also know that translations can always be improved. Yet I hope that you will still be able to enjoy this one wonderful example of Maltese poetry.

Jekk tifhem x'jgħidu l-kwiekeb
lill-qamar tul il-lej',
jekk tagħraf minn fejn telaq
is-sħab, fejn sejjer, fej',

                                 If you understand what the stars say
                                 to the moon during the night,
                                 if you know from where left
                                 the clouds, where they are going, where,

                                                                  Se capisci quello che dicono le stelle
                                                                  alla luna durante la notte,
                                                                  se riconosci da dove sono partite
                                                                  le nuvole, per dove, dove,

jekk tirfes kull mogħdija
u tterraq kullimkien,
jekk tkellem lil kull ħlejqa
li tikber fil-ħolqien,

                                 if you step on every passage
                                 and beat everywhere,
                                 if you speak to every creature
                                 that grows in creation,

                                                                  se calpesti ogni sentiero
                                                                  e batti ovunque,
                                                                  se parli ad ogni creatura
                                                                  che cresce nel creato,

jekk togħdos fl-ibħra kollha
u tmiss qiegħ l-oċean,
jekk titla' kull muntanja
u titfi kull vulkan,

                                 if you dive in all the seas
                                 and you touch the bottom of the ocean,
                                 if you climb every mountain
                                 and blow out every volcano,

                                                                  se ti tuffi in ogni mare,
                                                                  e tocchi il fondo dell'oceano,
                                                                  se scali ogni montagna,
                                                                  e spegni ogni vulcano,

jekk tifhem lil kull siġra
u tkellem lil kull fjur,
jekk torqod ma' kull dudu
u tqum ma' kull għasfur,

                                 if you understand every tree
                                 and speak to every flower,
                                 if you sleep with every worm
                                 and wake up with every bird,

                                                                  se capisci ogni albero
                                                                  e parli ad ogni fiore,
                                                                  se dormi con ogni bruco
                                                                  e ti svegli con ogni uccello,

jekk tgħodd in-numri kollha
u taf kull alfabett,
jekk tħott kull teorema
u żżarma kull kunċett,

                                 if you count all the numbers
                                 and know every alphabet,
                                 if you unwind every theorem
                                 and dismantle every concept,

                                                                  se conti tutti i numeri
                                                                  e conosci ogni alfabeto,
                                                                  se sciogli ogni teorema
                                                                  e smonti ogni concetto,

jekk togħxa b'kull tbissima
u tokrob b'kull uġigħ,
jekk toftoq il-kliem kollu
u ssib is-sens li fih,

                                 if you swoon with every smile
                                 and you groan with every pain,
                                 if you dissect all the words
                                 and find the sense in them,

                                                                  se ti spellichi con ogni sorriso
                                                                  e ti lamenti con ogni dolore,
                                                                  se sezioni tutte le parole
                                                                  e trovi il senso in esse,

jekk taf kif kien il-bidu
u kif se jkun it-tmiem,
jekk taf kull fuq, kull isfel,
kull wara, kull quddiem,

                                 if you know how the beginning was
                                 and how the end will be,
                                 if you know all ups, all downs,
                                 all behinds, all fronts,

                                                                  se sai come fù l'inizio
                                                                  e come sarà la fine,
                                                                  se conosci ogni su, ogni giù,
                                                                  ogni dietro, ogni davanti,

jekk taf għaliex kull għabex
iżelleġ kull żerniq,
jekk taf kemm hija twila,
kemm twila, twila t-triq,

                                 if you know why every twilight
                                 smears every dawn,
                                 if you know how long,
                                 how long, long is the road,

                                                                  se sai perché ogni crepuscolo
                                                                  imbratta ogni alba,
                                                                  se sai quanto è lunga,
                                                                  quanto lunga, lunga è la strada,

jekk taf għaliex l-iżbalji,
u taf x'inhu perfett,
jekk taf għax serp jitkaxkar
u għax itir farfett,

                                 if you know why mistakes are made,
                                 and know what is perfect,
                                 if you know why a snake crawls
                                 and why a butterfly flies,

                                                                  se sai il perché degli sbagli
                                                                  e sai cosa è perfetto,
                                                                  se sai perché il serpente striscia
                                                                  e perché una farfalla vola,

jekk ittawwalt iżżejjed
fuq xifer il-ġibjun
tal-qalb biex issa ttella'
bis-satal x'hemm midfun,

                                 if you looked out too much
                                 on the edge of the reservoir
                                 of the heart so to now lift
                                 with the pail what's buried underneath,

                                                                  se ti sei affacciato troppo
                                                                  sull'orlo della cisterna
                                                                  del cuore per ora tirare su
                                                                  col bigonciolo quello che c'è sotto,

jekk il-maltemp sikkittu
u lill-irjieħ raqqadt,
jekk l-ilmijiet nixxifthom
u lin-nirien qabbadt,

                                 if you silenced the storms,
                                 and lulled the winds,
                                 if you dried the waters,
                                 and set the fires,

                                                                  se hai azzittito le tempeste,
                                                                  e hai addormentato i venti,
                                                                  se hai prosciugato le acque,
                                                                  e hai accesso i fuochi,

jekk fhimt kull mistoqsija
u jekk kull ħalfa ħlift,
u jekk kull rebħa rbaħtha
u jekk kull telfa tlift,

                                 if you understood every question
                                 and if you swore every imprecation,
                                 and if you won every win,
                                 and if you lost every loss,

                                                                  se hai capito ogni domanda,
                                                                  e se hai imprecato ogni imprecazione,
                                                                  e se hai vinto ogni vittoria,
                                                                  e se hai perso ogni perdita,

il-pètali tal-warda
waqgħulek minn idejk,
dan l-univers itektek
inqasam hemm, f'riġlejk.

                                 the petals of the rose
                                 fell off from your hands,
                                 this ticking universe
                                 broke down there, on your knees.

                                                                  i petali della rosa
                                                                  ti sono caduti dalle tue mani,
                                                                  questo universo battente
                                                                  si è rotto là, sulle tue ginocchia.

Il-ħajja mistoqsija
miġbura f'elf għaliex,
u ssirlek poeżija
jekk int ma tweġibhiex.

                                 Life is a question
                                 collected into a thousand whys,
                                 and it becomes a poem for you
                                 if you do not answer it.

                                                                  La vita è una domanda
                                                                  raccolta in mille perché,
                                                                  e ti diventa una poesia
                                                                  se tu non la rispondi.